Theological Education
As the church grows exponentially in the majority world, so, too, grows the need for Christ-like leaders! TLEAD at One Mission Society exists to empower the development of Christ-like leaders for the global church and is committed to providing world-class leadership training and theological education to students in the majority world.
We do this primarily through strategic partnership with Bible colleges, seminaries, and ministry training institutes around the world. Through the mobilization of highly experienced theological education consultants, we encourage, support, and assist our partners to reach optimal effectiveness in fulfilling their institutional missions, using best practices in theological education. We also mobilize academically credentialed teaching fellows to serve at partner schools as faculty.
News & Articles
Are We Cleaning Empty Nets?
The greatest joy in my work with One Mission Society is relating to the leadership of our partner seminaries in Latin America. Nine schools in six countries form the Strategic Alliance of Latin American Seminaries (SALAS), a network that provides ideas for creative collaboration and opportunities for mutual enrichment and support…
Are you ready to go? (Acts 8:26–40)
Are you ready to go wherever God sends you, and to do whatever he asks you to do, now matter how strange or impractical it seems? Philip was willing to do that in Acts 8:26–40. He was having a hugely successful ministry to the city of Samaria, who “with one...
What is a “Macedonian call”?
Some missionaries speak of a “Macedonian call”, referring to this incident in the life of the apostle Paul, “During the night Paul had a vision: there stood a man of Macedonia pleading with him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us. When he had seen the...
Featured Schools
What We Do
Mobilization of Teaching Fellows to partner with ecclesial leadership development institutions (e.g., Bible colleges and seminaries) to assist in the optimization of fulfilling the God-given mission of the institution.
To serve the mission to develop Christ-like leaders for the global church, OMS TLEAD sends academically credentialed confessional scholars called “Teaching Fellows” to help carry both full-time and part-time teaching loads at our partner schools. Our Teaching Fellows are experts in all domains related to biblical and theological studies, as well as leadership and discipleship development. Most Teaching Fellows also serve as faculty at ATS and ABHE accredited Bible colleges and seminaries in the western world.
Mobilization of Theological Education Consultants to guide, support, and assist executive leadership at partner schools in best practices for theological education and broader leadership and discipleship development.
OMS TLEAD has a rich team of credentialed academic administrators, particularly experienced in higher theological education executive administration. These are our “Theological Education Consultants.” The OMS TLEAD Theological Education Consultants engage in appreciative inquiries at partner Bible colleges and seminaries around the world to help these institutions reach optimal effectiveness in achieving best practices for higher theological education. For many institutions, this means consulting with majority-world schools in helping them achieve their accreditation goals, and moving from surviving to thriving.
Developing, designing, and implementing leadership and discipleship development training programs and assisting our partners to do so as well.
The OMS TLEAD Leadership and Discipleship Development helps local churches, organizations, denominations, mission agencies, and parachurch ministry organizations keep their leaders moving forward in the journey of leadership and discipleship development. In many missional and ministerial contexts, it is those who do not have a seminary or Bible college background who are the core engine of activity in bringing change to a community. The OMS Leadership and Discipleship Development Team can help develop and implement curricula and training programs to keep individuals from all educative and economic backgrounds ever moving forward in the journey of leadership and discipleship development.