by Rachel Coleman | Jan 30, 2024
Not long ago, I was doing some reflection on the two main seminary courses I teach: Biblical Narrative and Introduction to Inductive Bible Study (IBS, Gospel of Mark). I was thinking about two questions: (1) What do I love about these courses? (2) What does each...
by Rachel Coleman | Jun 19, 2023
The greatest joy in my work with One Mission Society is relating to the leadership of our partner seminaries in Latin America. Nine schools in six countries form the Strategic Alliance of Latin American Seminaries (SALAS), a network that provides ideas for creative...
by Philip Richardson | Mar 8, 2023
Are you ready to go wherever God sends you, and to do whatever he asks you to do, now matter how strange or impractical it seems? Philip was willing to do that in Acts 8:26–40. He was having a hugely successful ministry to the city of Samaria, who “with one...
by Philip Richardson | Nov 29, 2022
Some missionaries speak of a “Macedonian call”, referring to this incident in the life of the apostle Paul, “During the night Paul had a vision: there stood a man of Macedonia pleading with him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us. When he had seen the...
by Philip Richardson | Feb 17, 2022
What does global mission have to do with Jesus’ “Parables of the Kingdom” in Matthew 13? We’ll take a look, in the last of this three part blog series. In Matthew 13:31–33, we have two parallel parables. There is a stark contrast between what ancient writers...
by Philip Richardson | Feb 8, 2022
What does global mission have to do with Jesus’ “Parables of the Kingdom” in Matthew 13? We’ll take a look, in the second of this three part blog series. The parables of the wheat in the field and the dragnet both have something to say about two kinds of people, the...